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Empower neuroplasticity with THIS nutrient

Meta-Analysis of Zinc

A player of ubiquitous biological roles in the mind and body.

Zinc modulates brain excitability and plays an important role in Neuroplasticity. Zinc is found in virtually every tissue in the body and plays a role in up to 300 different types of chemical reactions.

This article is mostly going to focus on decoding what the human studies are saying about Zinc and how this squares up with the anecdotal experiences of Biohackers online.

Scientific Research

Zinc molecule

It's one of the most studied nutrients on the planet, on Pubmed you can find over 41,000 scientific articles of human research and over 2000 clinical trials since the turn of the millennium. That's an impressive body of research!

Empowering Neuroplasticity

A 2009 University of Calgary study, published in Brain Research Reviews stated:

...evidence gathered from electrophysiological, behavioural, and anatomical experiments are utilized to argue for a role of zinc in cortical plasticity.

This means that Zinc is an essential driver of Neuroplasticity in our minds. Neuroplasticity is the scientific term that covers virtually all domains of personal development:

  • Learn new career skill sets.

  • Playing a musical instrument.

  • Changing behavioral patterns in your interpersonal relationships.

  • Learning a new language.

  • Recovery from brain damage.

Yeah, Neuroplasticity is pretty awesome! It's also what heals your brain if you sustain a brain injury (take your zinc, boxers!) To learn more about it, lend your ear to Limitless Mindset podcast #9: Empowering Neuroplasticity in Your Mind.

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